Friday, January 6, 2012

Taking a Stand: Our First Project

Since September, Room 28 has been hard at work on our first project entitled, Taking a Stand.
To recap, students were to select an issue that was important to them, such as littering or human rights in China.  After learning how to conduct effective search and research through Google, the boys and girls wrote reports highlighting the causes and effects of this issue.

Our driving question (DQ) was: 
How can we, as young people, take a stand for an issue using social action? 

The next step was to create a proposal for a campaign that would do two things.  First, the campaign was to raise awareness about the issue.  Second, it was to propose solutions.  The campaigns incorporated many ideas that have been proven successful, even for adults!  Coloring books, pins, posters, websites, petitions, letters, and more!  It all came down to audience.
Room 28 Stars presented their findings and proposals in a Prezi presentation, helping students develop and refine the 21st century skills of effective communication and technology.  To see these presentations is to witness success.

Each students’ presentation will have a dedicated blog entry at  Search for your child’s name to view the presentation.

Stay tuned for our campaigns, as we are in the process of creating them.  Final campaigns are due December 14th.  Hopefully, we can raise your awareness about issues that kids care about, and maybe, just maybe, you can help them make a difference.

Check out the separate post with project planners, project outlines, and rubrics!  

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